Sunday, October 3, 2010

Goodwill = Good Stuff!!

A couple of Friday’s ago I decided to stop by a new Goodwill that just went up in our neighborhood. I was looking for anything fall or Christmas related and man did I score! I found a lot of decorations but my MAIN find was this amazing table for only $13 dollars!!! YES, $13 bones! I love this store!

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I love the medallion detail in the middle. It really adds character to this piece. And I liked the yellow color, like really liked it, but this color doesn’t go with our house. So guess what I did? Yup. Of course I painted it black. I might need to look into PEBA, {Painting Everything Black Anonymous}. This group doesn’t actually exsist but I do like the acronym, PEBA. Ha!

I painted this lovely with Valspar Black in Satin Finish.


For now I am going to leave the medallion detail in the off white color it came with. But I am thinking about silver leafing the detail. {Once I find the silver leaf, I haven’t seen it since we moved.}


This beauty is currently living in our master bedroom on a long, once baron, lonely wall. I thought about putting a bench or something here, {since this is were Griff most often throws his clothes}, but for now this table works.

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I love this table! She is the perfect addition to our master bedroom. I am thinking about adding an accent color in here. Maybe orange. Yellow? I don’t know yet. Thoughts?

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